My Fast-Learning Cute Little Girl
Allan Dumbong
My fourth child is Diane Estelle Dumbong. She was born on 3/1/2004 at Chin Maternity Clinic, Kota Kinabalu. Now, she is slightly more than 3 years, able to run around in the neighbourhood. She is, to us, very cute with fair skin, sweet smile, and always attract the attention of others.
We name her "Diane Estelle, which in Latin means " Divine Star". This is the name adopted when she was baptised according to Catholic's rites at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu recently.
She is a fast-learning little girl too. Recently, we sent to a kindergarten, and she managed to adapt well to the environment. She is also taking Abacus metal Arithmatic. Her hobbies include watching "tung-tung-chang", literally refering to the Chinese Lion and Dragon dances.
She is quite firm when demanding things, but would be easily become your friend the moment you give her whatever she wants.
I love her very much, and I would not be able to stand without seeing her for a day. She is sort of an inspiration to our family, and she almost takes the center role in whatever we do. She is very influential, and most of the times dictate whatever we do. She is also very special to us, and by the look of it, she is going to be a source of strength to the family. Wish you grow well, my girl!
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